Asus P550 Overview

Primary Camera
2 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

Asus P550 - now you know

Model Asus P550 was announced in December 2007

Body and color options

Asus made their P550 model rectangle 70mm on 121mm with thikness 16.5mm.

Asus P550 has 1 colors, which are silver.

On P550 maiden using tehnology TFT resistive touchscreen, 65K colors, on that point Asus P550 was winning 97% available phones by larger display, by it's 3.5 inches, 37.9 cm2 (~44.8% screen-to-body ratio) display with resolution 240 x 320 pixels proportions are 4:3 and density 114 pixels in 1 inch.

Small facts about performance

Model runs on processor Marvell PXA270M 520 MHz.

Capability on this model is 256 MB, 64 MB RAM, external card slot is available miniSD, miniSDHC, operating system is Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional.


P550 has networks GPRS, 2G and 3G. Performance is about Yes, 384 kbps, GSM / UMTS.

GPS Yes, SiRF Star III chipset, USB 1.1, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth 2.0.

P550 additional info

Some features on the P550 are - Pocket Office - MP3/WMA/AAC/AAC+ player - Organizer - Voice memo.

Let's talk a bit about battery - battery is most frequent asked thing on phone at the moment Removable Li-Ion 1530 mAh battery.

Talking about camera

2 megapixels lens sensor is put in P550 by Asus. Unfortunatelly nothing any features to tell about. Video on the P550 is possible. This is quite good for instance one of available devices at the moment, LG KU380, This model has 2 mega pixels sensor. Some another extra properties are 1. Video on main camera of the P550 is available with QCIF@15fps variants

In P550 Asus designers decided to empower with 2 MP selfie sensor. Some another additional information are No.

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