Eten glofiish X650 Overview

Primary Camera
2 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

Talking about Eten glofiish X650

Model glofiish X650 was presented in January 2008

Something more

Some features on this device are - Pocket Office - eBook reader - Windows MPlayer 10 - Organizer - Voice memo.

Related battery of this model, it is Removable Li-Po 1530 mAh battery.

About glofiish X650 camera

2 megapixels camera is installed in Eten glofiish X650. Few another additional options are autofocus. Video recording on this device is available. This is quite good for instance one of available devices at the moment, VK Mobile VK2030, In this case Eten designers decided to install 2 megapixles camera. Some another extra features are 1. Eten glofiish X650 main camera hasn't video recording

2 MP front facing camera is installed in this devide. And another additional charateristics are No.

How fast is this device

Samsung SC32442 500 MHz CPU was designed for this model.

Storage on this device is 64 MB RAM, 256 MB ROM, external card slot is available microSD (dedicated slot), operating system is Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional.


This model supporting networks EDGE, GPRS and 2G. , GSM.

GPS Yes, SiRF Star III chipset, USB miniUSB, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Radio FM radio, Bluetooth 2.0.

glofiish X650 built

Eten made their glofiish X650 model with dimensions 58mmX107mmX14.7mm.

Eten glofiish X650 has 1 colors - black finally purple.

glofiish X650 display maiden with technologies TFT resistive touchscreen, 65K colors, at a moment glofiish X650 had screen larger size than 92% of devices in mobile market, having 2.8 inches, 24.3 cm2 (~39.1% screen-to-body ratio) screen having resolution 480 x 640 pixels h/w is 4:3 and having density 286 PPI. More info about display

  • Handwriting recognition

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