LG KF240 Overview

Primary Camera
2 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

LG KF240 details

It was to early, at 2008 when LG presented to the world their new model KF240

RAM, Chip, more details

Storage on KF240 is 20 MB, card slot is available microSD, up to 2 GB (dedicated slot).


KF240 supporting networks GPRS and 2G. , GSM.

USB 2.0, Radio FM radio, Bluetooth 2.0, A2DP.


Some features on this device are - MP3 player - MP4 player - Organizer - Voice memo - Predictive text input.

Let`s talk a bit about battery - it is most important thing on device in nowdays Removable Li-Ion 800 mAh battery.

LG KF240 camera stats

2 million pixels lens sensor is put in this model. Unfortunatelly nothing any features to tell about. Video recording on LG KF240 is supported. This is quite good for instance one of available devices at the moment, LG KP105,

2 MP selfie camera is installed in KF240. And another additional properties are No.

LG KF240 in your hands

LG made their KF240 model with dimensions 47mmX94mmX16mm.

This model is available in 1 colors, which are black.

On KF240 is built as TFT, 256K colors, at a moment KF240 had display larger size than only 48% of devices in mobile market, which is 2.0 inches, 12.6 cm2 (~28.5% screen-to-body ratio) display having resolution 176 x 220 pixels having density 141 pixels in 1 inch square. Some other details regarding screen

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