LG KM710 Overview

Primary Camera
3.15 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

LG KM710 details

LG presented to the world in February 2008 their new model KM710

About KM710 camera

3.15 megapixels camera is put in LG KM710. Some another additional properties are 3., autofocus. Video on this device is supported. This is quite good for instance one of available devices at the moment, Sony Ericsson W980, 3.15 million pixels camera is put in this devide. Few another extra charateristics are 3. Video camera on the KM710 is supported

The model has 3.15 megapixels selfie camera. Some another extra properties are No.


Additional features on the KM710 are - MP3/WMA/ААС++ player - Full GraceNote Applied - Voice memo.

Let`s talk about battery , battery is most frequent asked thing on phone at the moment Removable Li-Ion 800 mAh battery.

Processor, GPU and more

Memory on this device is 15 MB, microSD is available microSD, up to 2 GB (dedicated slot).

in your hands

LG made their KM710 model with size 48mmX103mmX15.4mm.

LG designers tried hard applied to their new model 1 colors, white.

KM710 display is built with technologies TFT, 256K colors, at a moment KM710 had display larger size than only 41% of devices in mobile market, which is 2.0 inches, 12.4 cm2 (~25.1% screen-to-body ratio) screen supporting resolution 240 x 320 pixels ratio is 4:3, density 200 pixels in inch. Some other information regarding display

  • Second 256K colors, 1.1 inches TFT display (128 x 128 pixels)
  • Downloadable wallpapers


This model has networks EDGE, GPRS and 2G. , GSM.

USB 2.0, Radio FM radio, Bluetooth 2.0, A2DP.

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