LG Optimus L3 II E430 Overview

Primary Camera
3.15 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

LG Optimus L3 II E430 - now you know

Model LG Optimus L3 II E430 was announced in February 2013

How optimized is this device

Model owed processor 1.0 GHz Cortex-A5, using chipset Qualcomm MSM7225A Snapdragon S1, Taking into account LG Optimus L3 II E430 pricing category graphics on this model is Adreno 200.

Capability on Optimus L3 II E430 is 4 GB (1.6 GB user available), 512 MB RAM, microSD is available microSD, up to 32 GB (dedicated slot), OS is Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean).

About camera on LG Optimus L3 II E430

3.15 megapixels lens sensor is installed in LG Optimus L3 II E430. And another additional charateristics are 3. Video recording on main camera of the Optimus L3 II E430 is supported with 480p@30fps modes. This is quite good for example one of available devices at the moment, Samsung Rex 70 S3802, The phone has 3.15 megapixels sensor. Unfortunatelly missing any info to highlight. Video camera on LG Optimus L3 II E430 is existing

3.15 megapixels front lens sensor is put in LG Optimus L3 II E430. And another additional information are No.

Body and color options

LG made their Optimus L3 II E430 model rectangle 61.1mm on 102.6mm with thikness 11.9mm.

You may buy this device in indigo black, titanium silver and finally white.

Screen on Optimus L3 II E430 maiden with technologies IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, at a moment Optimus L3 II E430 had screen larger size than only 23% of devices in mobile market, enforced by 3.2 inches, 31.7 cm2 (~50.6% screen-to-body ratio) display with resolution 240 x 320 pixels ratio is 4:3, with density 125 pixels in 1 inch square with multi touch.


Optimus L3 II E430 supporting bands EDGE, GPRS, 2G and 3G. Performance is about HSPA 7.2/5.76 Mbps, GSM / HSPA.

GPS Yes, with A-GPS, USB microUSB 2.0, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, hotspot, Radio FM radio, Bluetooth 3.0, A2DP.

Something more

Some features on this phone are - MP4/H.264/WMV player - MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player - Document viewer - Photo viewer.

Let`s talk a bit about battery , it is most frequent asked thing on device at the moment Removable Li-Po 1540 mAh battery.

Another important things on smartphone are sensors, so this device got Accelerometer, proximity, compass.

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