Samsung C6712 Star II DUOS
Samsung C6712 Star II DUOS

Samsung C6712 Star II DUOS Overview

Primary Camera
3.15 MP

Selfie Camera
2 MP

Samsung C6712 Star II DUOS - now you know

Model Samsung C6712 Star II DUOS was announced in April 2011

Something more

Specific features on C6712 Star II DUOS are - Facebook, Twitter - MP3/WAV/WMA/AAC+ player - H.264/MP4 player - Organizer - Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF) - Voice memo - Predictive text input.

Let`s talk a bit about battery , battery is most frequent asked thing on phone at the moment Removable Li-Ion 1200 mAh battery.

Accelerometer sensors are supported on this device.


Samsung engineers made C6712 Star II DUOS as 56mmX109.5mmX12.2mm.

1 colors are available for this model, black.

Screen on C6712 Star II DUOS is built using tehnology TFT capacitive touchscreen, 256K colors, at a moment C6712 Star II DUOS had display larger size than only 46% of devices in mobile market, 3.2 inches, 29.1 cm2 (~47.5% screen-to-body ratio) display having resolution 240 x 400 pixels ratio is 5:3 and having density 146 pixels in 1 inch square. Some other information about screen

  • TouchWiz 3.0 UI

About camera

In C6712 Star II DUOS case Samsung designers decided to put 3.15 million pixels sensor. Few another extra charateristics are 3. Video on main camera of this device is supported with 320p@15fps choices. This is not bad for instance one of available devices at the moment, BLU Deejay II, This devide got 3.15 mp camera. Basically nothing any features to mention. Video camera on Samsung C6712 Star II DUOS is supported

The phone got 3.15 mega pixels front sensor. And another additional traits are No.

Uploaded by davit
28 Mar, 2018 01:13pm

Small facts about performance

Storage on this device is 30 MB, external card slot is supported microSD, up to 16 GB (dedicated slot).


This model has bands EDGE, GPRS and 2G. , GSM, GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - SIM 2.

USB microUSB 2.0, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Radio FM radio, RDS, recording, Bluetooth 3.0, A2DP.

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